Volume 7, No. 4, April 2012
Neural Therapy Newsletter Index
Dear Colleagues:

This month's newsletter is a report on the World Conference of Neural Therapy, which I recently attended in Quito, Ecuador. This is a biannual event, always held in Ecuador, but attracting physicians practicing neural therapy from all over Central and South America, Europe and (this time) North America.

My reason for attending was to learn more about how neural therapy is practiced in Latin America, and (to a certain extent) Europe. Language has been a barrier for those of us who do not speak Spanish and German, and this conference, which offered simultaneous translation, seemed a good place to start.

My curiosity was certainly satisfied. The conference opened in style, with greeters in colourful traditional Ecuadorean dress, traditional Andean music, a phalanx of national flags behind the head table, singing of the national anthem, etc. Ecuador, and Quito in particular, is attempting to position itself as a world center for neural therapy. City council has been persuaded to name a street after the Huneke brothers, and funds are being raised to erect a statue in their honor. To give an idea of how big neural therapy is in Ecuador, the city of Guayaquil has 150 physicians who practice it.

The program featured speakers from Mexico, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Chile, Argentina, Germany, Switzerland, USA and Canada. A wide range of contemporary neural therapy was represented. At one end of the spectrum the classic teachings of the Huneke brothers were passionately defended. At the other end, the most recent advances using scalar and laser energies were introduced. In between were lectures showing how neural therapy can be combined with acupuncture, nutrition, homotoxicology and homeopathy.

Case history was a favourite method of teaching, with many before‐and‐after videos of severely incapacitated patients responding dramatically to neural therapy. These were reminders that even the most severe neurological cases should be examined carefully for interference fields, especially in the head and neck.

The organization is called World Academy of Neural Therapy according to Huneke and Neurofocal Dentistry and the importance of dentistry was not neglected. Lectures on dentistry and dental radiology were given, and the importance of understanding dental pathology worked itself into almost every lecture.

Now for some "pearls":

  • Varicose veins respond to neural therapy and should be treated if only to prevent pulmonary emboli. 30,000 people die in Germany every year from pulmonary emboli. On the other hand, deep vein thrombosis should be handled with great care, as precipitation of emboli by neural therapy is a risk.
  • Neural therapy can reduce the "peaks" of pain in diabetic neuropathy.
  • "Whiplash" injuries increase the risk of developing fibromyalgia by 10 times. Stellate ganglion interference fields are often found and should be treated.
  • Fibromyalgia is often associated with chronic pelvic infections and may respond to neural therapy.
  • Chronic pain results from an imbalance of the two main functions of the nervous system: maintenance of tone and trophism. Neural therapy facilitates recuperation of both.
The conference did not limit itself to neural therapy. Lectures were given on topics likely to be of interest to physicians practicing somewhat outside the mainstream: for example, intravenous vitamin C in detoxification, PRP (platelet rich plasma) injections, gluten sensitivity and micronutrient treatment of cancer.

As in all good conferences, some of the most valuable time was spent in discussion between lectures, during coffee breaks and at meal times. A shared passion for neural therapy and a spirit of camaraderie transcending language and culture was very much evident. The next conference will be in two years, tentatively on the Galapagos Islands.


Robert F. Kidd, MD, CM