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Dear Colleagues: A 53‐year old man from a distant city came to my office for a second opinion with regard to chronic fatigue of ten years duration. He had had numerous investigations and treatments over the years, some of which had helped, but none of which had cured his condition. Chronic Lyme disease had been diagnosed and treated and at the time I first saw him he was undergoing intravenous DMPS and EDTA chelation. The purpose of the second visit was to review the results of laboratory investigations, but before doing so he complained of unusual headache, malaise, dizziness, nausea and slight elevation of blood pressure beginning one week before. The elevation of blood pressure was the clue that lead me to check his kidneys, using autonomic response testing. Indeed interference fields were found on both sides, which reacted to the presence of both procaine and DMPS. I report this incident because "overloading" the kidneys or liver is a not uncommon complication of intravenous chelation of heavy metals. Fortunately, it is easily remedied by neural therapy of the affected organs. One treatment is all that is required and the response is rapid. (A more serious case is reported on page 129 of my book Neural therapy, Applied neurophysiology and other topics. In my opinion, anyone offering heavy metal intravenous chelation should know how to identify and treat this complication. Even better, they should know how to use neural therapy to detoxify local areas of toxicity, often associated with interference fields, wherever they are found. The kidneys and liver are at risk of localized toxicity because they are excretory organs, but toxic metals will precipitate into any organ or area of the body with disturbed metabolism. Altered pH is probably only one of the reasons for this phenomenon. Interference fields can develop not only in the organs of excretion but also in the autonomic ganglia with which they are associated. For the liver, the right T8 to T11 ganglia should be checked by autonomic response testing in anyone who appears to have symptoms or signs of liver "stress" ‐ fatigue, depression, headache, nausea, etc., but without an interference field in the liver. Treating local areas of toxicity should be part of a systemic detoxification plan in patients who need it (more about this in chapters 9 and 10 of my book). However, there are some "ins and outs" to this method and careful monitoring of the patient's response to treatment is important. When treating toxic interference fields, one must be aware that toxic metals will be released into the blood, and if too much is mobilized, the kidneys or liver may then themselves become interference fields, requiring neural therapy. This applies particularly to periodontal tissues and autonomic ganglia, where much mercury can be sequestered, even years after amalgam fillings have been removed. Another interesting piece of the toxicity‐interference field puzzle is the finding by pharmacologists that inflammation reduces the body's ability to detoxify. There appear to be at least two mechanisms involved, down-regulation of messenger RNA for P-glycoprotein transporter and inhibition of the cytochrome P450 system. At least some of this is mediated by inflammatory cytokines, especially IL‐6. This should be of great interest to anyone attempting to detoxify patients. Chronic inflammation may be a major inhibitor of physiological (natural) detoxification and in fact may be a reason why the patient is toxic in the first place. Top of the list of causes of chronic inflammation (often silent) would be gluten sensitivity where the small intestine lining is under constant irritation if the patient is still consuming gluten. Even after beginning a gluten-free diet, it takes a long time for the inflammation to subside. Also on the list would be chronic inflammation in the pelvis (both women and men), dental infections, chronic sinusitis, chronic infections of all kinds, allergy and autoimmune disease. Neural therapy is fun and easy to do in relatively healthy people. However it becomes complicated in patients with more complex illness. Patients simply do not respond as well, or responses are not as long‐lasting. When this occurs, toxicity should be looked for. Neural therapy can be helpful in detoxification by optimizing function of the excretory organs, especially the kidneys and liver. Efforts to reduce inflammation should be part of a strategy to not only improve patients' health, but also to make neural therapy more effective. ---------------- Some comments from readers: I have seen a surprising number of patients whose healing was incomplete until I probed more closely into their history to identify forgotten wounds. One of these is the puncture wounds in feet from stepping on nails. I am actually shocked by the number of people who have forgotten that they stepped on a rusty nail. This interference field has proved to be the key to healing in six patients this past year. I suspect that the combined irritation of microbes and metals, along with a physical injury that is usually totally unexpected, is responsible for these wounds' significant effects. Manual muscle testing is often dramatically weakened here, and usually reminds patients which foot was affected. Sensations during laser therapy are also significant, and usually radiate along the entire lower extremity. The most remarkable thing about this process has been that the interference field is sometimes not noticeable until they are reminded of the event. I am certain that this change is not due to inconsistent testing, and is not due to expectation on the part of the patient. It seems that the memory of the event creates a shift in the nervous system that amplifies the disturbance by virtue of a change in awareness ... in much the same way as ampoules or foods held in the hand can amplify a disturbance. Richard Nahas, Ottawa, Canada Re hyperhidrosis: I can report excellent results with biochemic silica 6x. One long- term sufferer had experienced cessation of excess perspiring after her first single-dose use of this preparation. Her almost constant migraines were also negated. ---------------- Sincerely, Robert F. Kidd, MD, CM |