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Dear Colleagues: Have you ever considered thatdental cleaning might be a health hazard?(I don't mean brushing one's teeth, but rather the professional dental cleaning by hygienists.) Most experienced neural therapists probably are aware of this, but for the sake of those who are not, I want to present a case where dental cleaning made a patient quite sick, albeit for only a few weeks. I am not referring here to the transient septicaemiathat puts patients with damaged or artificial heart valves at risk. These patients are aware of this danger and take prophylactic antibiotics as protection.A subtler effect of dental cleaning is the release of mercury from the periodontal soft tissues.This applies not only to those with amalgam in their teeth, but to anyone who has had dental amalgam, even if removed many years before. About six years ago I reported a case of mercury toxicity resulting from oral surgery (June 2009). This case is similar but caused by simple dental cleaning. A 65‐year old woman presented with left‐sided headaches, sensitive teeth on the left side, fatigue and elevated blood pressure(averaging 185/87) for about a month. Left sided headache and fatigue were not new symptoms for her, butshe had been gradually improving since removal of her dental amalgameight months before and undergoing a mercury detoxification program. In other words,she was undergoing a relapse and the reason for this was not clear. I had begun seeing her 1½ years before.She had had fatigue from early in life and this had worsened in recent years. She was becoming increasingly depressed and was taking bupronion (Welbutrin). From her initial presentation, it was clear that she was suffering from mercury toxicity. Autonomic response testing supported this impression, as did laboratory investigation.However the lab also raised some red flags: Serum creatinine hovered around 107; the Quicksilver Tritest showed elevated serum inorganic mercury and depressed excretion through the kidneys; salivary cortisol levels were depressed; serum homocysteine was elevated at 12; and serum vitamin D was 53 nmol/l (23ng/ml). The patient was also gluten sensitive and hypothyroid. Before amalgam removal her nutritional status and detoxification capacity were optimized over a period of eight months. Autonomic response testing indicated a liver interference field from time to time that was treated by neural therapy, liposomal glutathione and IMD (Quicksilver Scientific). Her thyroid and adrenal glands were supported; her creatinine level dropped to 93 and she was feeling better. All five amalgam fillings were removed in one sitting, followed within a few hours by an intravenous infusion of 25 gm. vitamin C and 250 mg DMPS in Ringer's lactate. The liver and kidneys were checked for interference fields before discharge by autonomic response testing. For the first two months the patient did wellwith increased energy, mood and sense of well-being. Intravenous DMPS was administered every month, but surprisingly little mercury was excreted in the urine.At three months, the patient's fatigue and depression began to return. Serum creatinine increased to 111. Interference fields were found on different occasions in both kidneys, liver, thyroid and adrenals and were treated with neural therapy.Over the following months there was a gradual overall improvement. At eight months the patient again took a significant turn for the worse.Her left sided headaches and sensitive teeth returned as well as fatigue and elevated blood pressure (up to 199/99).The cause of this relapse was a puzzle until the patient volunteered that she had her teeth and gums cleaned about three weeks before. Autonomic response testing showed interference fields in both adrenal glands with an autonomic reaction to mercury.Neural therapy was administeredand Liposomal Glutathione and IMD were resumed.Two weeks later the patient's headache and teeth pain were much better;the blood pressure had normalized and her energy was improved. This patient's problems were complex. She had fatigue and depression of many years standing as a result of chronic mercury poisoning from her amalgam fillings.Detoxification was slow and difficult because of poor excretory ability of her kidneys and liver. Neural therapy played an important part in her treatment, buther progress was interrupted when she had her teeth professionally cleaned. I have seen symptoms of mercury poisoning appear a number of times after dental cleaning over the years. Typical is unexplained fatigue, sore throat or generalized aching of several months' duration. Most of the time the patient does not make the connection with the dental cleaning. Whenever a patient presents with a new symptom, among the possible triggers that I inquire about is dental cleaning. Hopefully these reactions will occur less frequently in the future as mercury amalgam is phased out of dentistry. However in the meantimeit can be profitable to ask patients about dental cleaning when new symptoms begin with no obvious cause. ---------------- Letters (about May's newsletter) : This is correct Robert, Trauma awakens interference fields anywhere in the body. Memory cell informationreacts and blocks regulation with many kinds of trauma. Scalar Energy works very well to treat IF inside and outside of the body (biocampo). But it is important for the doctor to know, where you are sending your scalar energy and your intention. Carlos Chiriboga MD Ecuador ---------------- I agree that in treating post concussion syndrome / PTSD one must pay attention to the whole person. From my studies in clinical homeopathy this past year I have found Natrum sulphuricum 30C to work well as an adjunct to the other therapies I am using. It is exceedingly interesting to me that some of the recent research into the action of homeopathy has shown it to alter gene expression and hormone levels both in animal and human studies. Rob Banner MD London, ON, Canada ---------------- Isn't APOE4 the gene that prevents the excretion of heavy metals? Pierre Larose, Montreal, Canada My reply: Yes indeed. You are probably thinking of that excellent paper by the New Zealand dentists. I suspect that this property of the APOE4 gene supports our suspicion that mercury is a potential contributing factor to Alzheimer's. For this reason, I encourage anyone with early Alzheimer's in their family to be tested. If they carry even one copy of the APOE4 gene, I recommend that their amalgam fillings be removed and that they undergo a thorough detoxification program. ---------------- Sincerely, Robert F. Kidd, MD, CM |