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Dear Colleagues: Ever since Ferdinand Huneke's "Eureka" moment in 1941, when injecting a leg scar with procaine cured a chronic contralateral frozen shoulder,the concept of the "interference field" has been central to neural therapy. And to a large extent it has been mysterious. What is the connection between an interference field and a symptom, so often in a remote area of the body? Readers who are familiar with my teaching and writing know that I have been pre-occupied for a long time with the factors that activate an interference field, or make it more or less responsive to treatment. The second half of my book Neural therapy: Applied neurophysiology and other topics is devoted mainly to this subject. However, this month I want to look at this subject by posing a different question:How can the same symptom be triggered by different interference fields?Experienced neural therapists no doubt see this frequently, but this phenomenon is not often reported because it is observed only over a considerable length of time. Most case reports of interference fields describe a response to treatment of a single interference field over a relatively short period of time. Time is needed to see symptoms return. Let me present this case as an example: A 50 year old woman presented with left knee pain andswelling of both legs(worse on the left) of about three months duration. The onset of pain was preceded by a fall on her left knee several weeks before.Chiropractic assessment, X‐rays and treatment two or three times a week had afforded her only a little relief. Oedema+++ was present in both legs; the pelvis was symmetric and the sacroiliac joints stable but the right hip adductor muscles were tighter than on the left side.Because of the several weeks long latent period between the injury and the onset of symptoms,an interference field was searched for using autonomic response testing. This was found ina tubal ligationscar and treated energetically with a Tenscam device. The patient reported that by the next day she could feel a change and two weeks later there was almost no pain. However some swelling persisted and the right hip adductor muscles were still tight and were manipulated.Another interference field was detected at the L2‐L3 interspinous space(site of a previous epidural injection) and treated using the Tenscam device. Her response was good and I did not see her again until 7 months later when she presented with upper body pain ‐ neck and back, as well as recurrence of leg pain and swelling, much as before. This had been preceded by cataract surgery of both eyes a month apart. She also complained that her right eye vision had deteriorated. This timean interference field was detected "off the body"about 12 inches (30 cm.) anterior-inferior to the right eye. (Off‐body interference fields require energetic techniques both for detection and treatment.) In this case it was treated with the Tenscam device and within one or two days all pain had shifted to the lower half of the body with a distribution much as before. A month lateran interference field was detected in her liver. This came as no surprise when she admitted to a recentincrease in her wine consumption and taking too much Tylenol.It is also possible that the eye surgery had contributed to the liver interference field. In any casethe liver was treated with the Tenscam device; the patient discontinued alcohol and Tylenol and her lower body symptoms settled quickly and lastingly (for 1 1/2years)when I saw her again, this time with tight right hip adductors and an interference field at the pubic symphisis. This was treated but the patient was then lost to follow-up. In summary, my patient presented with knee pain and leg swelling multiple times over a period of two years. Interference fields that with treatment relieved these symptoms, included a tubal ligation scar, an epidural scar, and the liver. The solution to the mystery of how one symptom (or group of symptoms) can be caused by different interference fields at different times lie in the animal experiments of Speransky and his discovery of "tissue memory". See newsletter Vol.7, No.1, 2012.Once a tissue memory is established, irritation anywhere in the nervous system can cause the memory to be re-activated. This is commonplace in medical practice. Patients who experience recurring headaches can have the same headache triggered by a variety of stimulants ‐ a change in barometric pressure, stress, a somatic dysfunction anywhere in the body, a viral infection, a scar or perhaps even a dental problem. The point to remember in neural therapy is thateven when an interference field has been found to cause a certain symptom and been treated successfully, a recurrence of the symptom may be caused by something totally different. Sincerely, Robert F. Kidd, MD, CM |