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Dear Colleagues: I have just returned from the Austrian Neural Therapy Society's conference in Vienna, and would like to share something of what I learned. The program had a good variety of subjects and speakers from German-speaking Europe and the Spanish-speaking world of Spain and Latin America. In fact close to 60 of the attendees were Spanish-speaking and the lectures were in German and Spanish, with simultaneous translation. There is much to report, but I intend to concentrate in this letter on the subject of neural therapy education and the organizations that provide it. Much of this was new to me, and I hope it will be of interest to you. As so often happens, some of the most interesting things happen outside of the lecture halls. One evening I had the privilege of dining with Lorenz Fischer, Hans Barop and Stefan Weinschenk, all three authors of recent textbooks (in German) on neural therapy. The good news for readers of this newsletter is that all three books are being translated into English and should be available within a year. Spanish translations are planned for later. All three authors are obviously good friends and co-operate in teaching and other matters, so I felt free to ask "Why three books?" The answer is that each is written for a different purpose. Dr. Fischer, who teaches neural therapy to medical students has written a 150 page book of introduction to neural therapy; Dr Barop's book is 350 pages long and concentrates more on science; Dr Weinschenk's multi-author book is close to 1000 pages long and serves as a textbook and reference book. Both Dr Fischer and Dr. Weinschenk are academics and have succeeded in including neural therapy in their medical school curricula in Basle, Switzerland and Heidelberg, Germany respectively. Despite this, I understand there is still, after these many years, resistance by the regulatory authorities to accepting neural therapy into mainstream medicine in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. In contrast, the acceptance of neural therapy and other "alternative" medical systems into some of the Spanish speaking countries is nothing short of spectacular. I have already written about South American neural therapy in other newsletters (Vol.6, No.4), (Vol.7, No.4). Many thousands of South American physicians are practicing neural therapy and other non‐mainstream disciplines, such as acupuncture and homeopathy. Dr. David Vinjes, of Barcelona, (who spoke at the Austrian conference and is editor of the Spanish language neural therapy newsletter) has created a 1500‐hour Master's program in neural therapy at the University of Barcelona. This is having an impact on medical students and the medical community at large. Neural therapy is being accepted (and paid for) by some government‐run medical services. Interestingly neural therapy has been particularly well received by gynecologists and courses are being offered especially for them. It is in Columbia where some of the most impressive advances have been made. A two‐year post-graduate Master's program is offered in three streams: oriental medicine, homeopathy and neural therapy. Apparently already 40 specialists in neural therapy have already graduated. Dr. Eduardo Beltran, director of the Alternative Medicine program and Dr. Laura Pinilla, director of the neural therapy stream were present at the Austrian conference. Both gave lectures that reflected the serious thinking about neural therapy that is taking place at their school. Drawing upon similar sources as Pablo Koval in his book Neural therapy and self-organization, Dr Pinilla explored ideas of non-linear physiology as presented by Ary Goldberger and Walter J Freeman. The connection between interference fields and symptoms, so often in remote locations of the body, has been a mystery from the beginning of neural therapy. Understanding that the pathophysiology of chronic pain and disease follows the rules that govern dynamical systems is a start to making sense of these relationships. Finally, answers from chaos theory as applied to neurophysiology are pointing us to solutions in neural therapy. ------------- Some of you may be interested in a presentation that I recently made to the IAOMT,(International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology). The first part is primarily about classic neurophysiological principles; the latter is a brief introduction to neural therapy. ------------- Letters: Thanks for an excellent summary of bio‐energetic testing. Many physicians use manual muscle strength, VAS testing of the peripheral arterial pulse or EAV measurement of galvanic skin conductance as indicators of the brief generalized autonomic stress response to a brief stimulus. While I can appreciate the hesitation to embrace 'energy', it is important to recognize that the best scientific explanation of its mechanism is to be found in the basic anatomy and physiology of the extracellular matrix, which is near and dear to the hearts of neural therapists. The fundamental transducer of electromagnetism in the body is collagen. This piezoelectric molecule can be thought of as a wire that turns EM frequencies into vibrations ‐ sound waves. Like a tiny violin string or a stereo speaker, collagen fibers have connection to every cell in the body ‐ and every neuron too. This creates an awe‐inspiring vision of the human nervous system that includes connective tissue ‐ and that enables instantaneous two‐way communication between every single cell. I would humbly submit that we must eventually create a neural therapy group that embraces bio‐energetic testing, and that it is this group that will create the medicine of the future. Richard Nahas Ottawa, ON, Canada ------------- I appreciate your description of resonance in your latest neural therapy newsletter. I have long held the only way to eat a healthy diet is eating according to taste. When challenged with, "What about sugar?" I am quick to say sugar, as in sucrose, is not a food. Food, as all else found in nature, is never a single molecule but rather many complexes comprised of innumerable molecules. The same can be said of commercial salt, just sodium chloride (and traces of chemicals used to strip all the other minerals). Salt as found in nature is approximately 85% sodium chloride, the remainder being minerals. So it is through taste, resonance, that the vitality and energy of food are bestowed. Lynne August Oregon, USA ------------- First of all thank you Dr. Kidd for providing a forum for neural therapy practitioners. I am in my forty-first year of practice: my father was a dental physician (French trained). I have used dental implants for over 35 years; we placed literally thousands of implants. Implants provide the best structural component in the posterior dentition and in my practice that is paramount. Implants must be placed by a well-trained practitioner or else they fail. Implants like other procedures fail but if planned and placed properly the success rate is in the 90% range. In serum and Melisa biocompatibility tests, titanium is slightly superior to zirconia and old zirconia implants due to their designs had a very low success rate. Many so called biological dentists started using zirconia implants for financial reasons. Most medical and dental practitioners have not studied physical medicine or locomotion. So they take an implant out and the neck improves. I am NOT suggesting that an infected implant or an implant placed in a mixed metal environment does not become an interference field!!!!!!. I invented intra osseous neural therapy in the early nineties and only a few dentists know how to use it properly. I am eagerly waiting for zirconia implants that are designed properly and approved by Health Canada. We will place them according to the milieu of the oral cavity. I apologize if I am offending some of your readers but facts are facts. There are literally millions of titanium implants in many skeletal areas that have given millions of patients a better quality of life . And some implants placed in the wrong environment have caused a lot of problems such as a disturbance field. Ara Elmajian Vancouver BC Canada ------------- Sincerely, Robert F. Kidd, MD, CM |