“And In Those Days Shall Men Seek Death, and Shall Not Find It, and Shall Desire to Die, and Death Shall Flee From Them.” Rev. 9:6
Many people reading this paper may have already seen the 2007 motion picture named “I Am Legend” starring Will Smith as the intrepid scientist/researcher Robert NeVille; who battles legions of “undead” human zombies/vampires following a massive worldwide vaccination that somehow changed the human DNA and triggered something far worse than a faux pandemic.
What many people DON’T know, is the fact that the original book the movie was adapted from was written back in 1954 by a man named Richard Matheson. Matheson made reference many times in his book to actual events that dominated headlines in 1953 – specifically the ending of “The War” (i.e. the Korean Conflict) and the prevalent hysteria that biological weapons would be infinitely more dangerous than nuclear bombs. In fact – many eastern newspapers fuelled this hysteria by reporting on covert biological testing at places like Fort Detrick, MD. It didn’t help that in early 1953, the head of Ft. Detrick biological warfare lab, Dr. Frank Olson, was murdered by the CIA – because it was quite clear Olson was ready to start whistleblowing. Apparently, there was a stunning new breakthrough in biological mutations on the m-RNA strands of certain bacteria in the shadowy labs of Ft. Detrick. In the search for the ultimate killer pathogen – a new pathogen was apparently formed and they named it bacilli vampiris – because it actually caused primates to clinically “die” – only to be reborn later with a craving for live, uncontaminated blood. I submit that it was this root truth that caused Richard Matheson to write his “fictional” novel titled “I Am Legend” in 1954. Predictive programming in the form of fiction and Hollywood movie making?
Consider that the front cover of new editions of Matheson’s book features a quote from none other than fellow author Dean Koontz who declared: “The most clever and riveting vampire novel since DRACULA” – Koontz, in 1981, wrote a book titled “Eyes of Darkness” that predicted the current “pandemic” in virtually every parameter – even the fictional origin of it in Wuhan, China. I find it somewhat unsettling that the 2007 Will Smith movie has the zombie virus originating from a massively distributed and eagerly desired, yet untested VACCINE. The parallels are stunning. Check out this short YouTube entry: https://youtu.be/T5Ue_QH0zPs
As the above YouTube clip clearly shows, the current worldwide “pandemic” was engineered and set in motion by a group of miscreants who met at the Pierre Hotel in NYC on October 18, 2019. This pandemic virus is fictional – there is NO “Sars-Cov-2” massively infecting people worldwide. What is not being told is the FACT that the massive PCR Testing being conducted merely shows the presence of a myriad of viruses produced via the polymerase RNA including the common cold and seasonal influenzas. Yes, people are sick and many people are dying – but this is nothing new – it happens each and every year. If this was a real danger, tens of millions of Americans would already be dead – and there would absolutely be a Gold Standard blood test deployed to conclusively diagnose the specific pathogen responsible. Furthermore, the symptoms of COVID-19 (shortness of breath, loss of smell and test, extreme lethargy, etc.) can be just as easily explained by the fact that 60 GHz radiation (aka 5G) has been proven to block the absorption and/or creation of niacin (aka Vitamin B1) at the cellular level – resulting in a vitamin deficiency condition known as Beriberi. The symptoms of Beriberi just happen to be exactly the same as “Covid”. Left untreated, Beriberi causes the blood to quit carrying oxygen efficiently, and the victim dies from hypoxia – LOW BLOOD OXYGEN. But you see, a vitamin deficiency caused by an external radiation factor is very easily corrected. No need for any hysteria and societal shutdowns worldwide. So, what then is the actual endgame agenda of these elitist miscreants who are planning mass genocide in 2021 – AGENDA 21? I submit the entire reason for the faux pandemic is to brainwash the masses into accepting an untested, highly dangerous m-RNA vaccine. Shades of I AM LEGEND!!!
During the Obama/Biden administration, their key “science czar” was a man named Eric P. Holdren. Without a doubt, Holdren is positioning himself once again to be a central advisor to Joe Biden once he is allowed to occupy the Oval Office. Holdren is a rabid earth-first, save-the-planet-by-whatever means individual. In 1977, Holdren authored a book titled ECOSCIENCE in which he openly advocates lowering the earth’s human population in a massive way. In the book, Holdren calls for forced abortions, a one-world communist central command, and systemic depopulation in order to save the planet. Make no mistake; Holdren is a clear and present danger. But he is not alone.
Consider these other quotes:
David Rockefeller: “The negative impact of population growth on all of our planetary ecosystems is becoming appallingly evident.”CNN Founder Ted Turner: “A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.”
Dave Foreman, Earth First Co-Founder: “My three main goals would be to reduce human population to about 100 million worldwide, destroy the industrial infrastructure and see wilderness, with it’s full complement of species, returning throughout the world.”
Maurice Strong: “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”
Michael Oppenheimer: “The only hope for the world is to make sure there is not another United States. We can’t let other countries have the same number of cars, the amount of industrialization, we have in the US. We have to stop these Third World countries right where they are.”
Michael Oppenheimer and John P. Holdren are close friends. Oppenheimer is the head of “GeoSciences” at the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton, University. And his “only hope for the world” is to “make sure there is not another United States”????

So, Agenda 21 is scheduled to be fully operational by the year 2021, culminating in a 9-year debacle that by the year 2030 will result in a greatly reduced human population on the Earth – once again, this is also clearly congruent with the Utopian Paradise alluded to as the endgame vision of I Am LEGEND. Is this all just coincidental??
Listen to David Rockefeller if you still have any doubts this is real: https://youtu.be/ClqUcScwnn8
In order to make sure the vast majority of Americans are properly vaccinated – President Trump has trained the U.S. Military to distribute the m-RNA vaccine. And the director of OWS is none other than disgraced GSK (Glaxo-Smith-Kline) executive “Head of Vaccinations” Dr. Moncef Slaoui (pronounced Slay-You-I??).
In case you didn’t know, Dr. Slaoui (Slay-you-and-I) was deeply involved in the highest levels of big Pharma giant Glaxo-Smith-Kline at the time the U.S. Justice Department levelled a record $3 Billion FRAUD fine upon the company. This was due to the FACT that top-level executives of GSK were caught red-handed openly lying about certain highly dangerous anti-depressant medications – whereby they totally falsified key testing results and placed many thousands of innocent people in danger and caused the untimely death and disability of many. Here is the link to the D.O.J. press release – read it for yourself and see if you honestly think you should trust ANYTHING this miscreant has to say about this vaccine being “safe and effective.” GlaxoSmithKline to Plead Guilty and Pay $3 Billion to Resolve Fraud Allegations and Failure to Report Safety Data | OPA | Department of Justice https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/glaxosmithkline-plead-guilty-and-pay-3-billion-resolve-fraud-allegations-and-failure-report
First of all, this should not even be called a “vaccine” in the true sense of the word. You see, the entire concept of vaccination involves placing small amounts of a specific pathogen into the blood of an individual in order to trigger an immune response against that specific pathogen. This is NOT what is happening in the “Covid” shot. Instead, what is occurring, according to Dr. Slay-you-and-I is there is a plethora of LAB MANUFACTURED SYNTHETIC STRANDS OF FOREIGN MESSENGER RNA being injected into the subject. This is a m-RNA-based injection. Keep in mind that RNA stands for ribo-nucleic-acid – and it is the literal blueprint of DNA – Di-oxy-nucleic acid chains. If this m-RNA penetrates the human cell nucleus, then it could very easily cause catastrophic mutations in the DNA – and the nightmare zombie apocalypse portrayed in I AM LEGEND could become the reality. The insidious fact is that such an injection will not cause death and disability immediately – it will like take months or even years to do its dirty work. Again, this is following the script of the movie almost to a tee.
As A Doctor, People Ask Me If It’s Safe To Take A New Covid Vaccine. Given That Criticism Is Risky, Here’s My Very Careful Answer (wakingtimes.com) – https://www.wakingtimes.com/as-a-doctor-people-ask-me-if-its-safe-to-take-a-new-covid-vaccine-given-that-criticism-is-risky-heres-my-very-careful-answer/
Zombie infections: epidemiology, treatment, and prevention | The BMJ – https://www.bmj.com/content/351/bmj.h6423
The true story behind a CIA scientist’s mysterious death (nypost.com) – https://nypost.com/2017/12/14/the-true-story-behind-a-cia-scientists-mysterious-death/
EDITORIAL: Obama’s mad science adviser – Washington Times – https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/aug/16/obamas-mad-science-adviser/
Predictive Programming in Movies: I Am Legend (2007) – https://predictiveprogramminginmovies.blogspot.com/2009/03/i-am-legend-2007.html
“SCAN HER AGAIN” – Here we see masked policemen SCANNING people’s eyes for positive or negative infections in the early days of the “infection” leading to the genocide of I AM LEGEND – but even some POSITIVES turn into NEGATIVES — A LÁ the flawed PCR testing currently being done. – https://youtu.be/3v7pz1VvBGI