The Global healthcare system is a beast system that has enslaved the minds of people to its primitive ideas and methods offering endless medical testing and no solutions. The corruption has been happening on a global scale to suppress the truth about cures and healing from the beginning.
I review cases from around the world and the common theme is always vaccine injury and misdiagnosis. I offer solutions and the most sophisticated information so that you can take authority over your own health and reverse disease naturally at home. For a case review please contact me.

Do you have a disease or health crisis? In Jeremiah 33:6 God promises healing and cure to his people. The biblical science of healing and cure has always been the same and the Bible gives us instruction on how to handle sickness. It is important to understand that there are spiritual roots to disease. - See Deuteronomy chapter 28.
What did people do to reverse disease before all of the toxic pharmaceutical drugs came?
People contact me from around the world seeking relief from suffering and disease. Regardless of what disease you have, the process to reverse is the same. The blood and organs need to be cleansed of infection and toxins and then rinsed out.
If you have cancer, auto immune disease or the herpes virus it is important to understand that there is not a "single tip". I created the disciplan as a guide and complete regimen that includes my own personal recipes and step by step instructions that have been around since the beginning of time for reversing disease.
Pharmaceutical drugs will cause disease over time by blocking enzymatic functions and causing severe deficiencies as well as toxic drug levels that accumulate in your organs and tissues.

Every Church should have an official position on the forced vaccine issue and the global agenda to remove all religious and medical exemptions. This issue of mandated vaccines and schools that require them for entry. Every church should have a representative to speak on this vaccine issue which must be addressed. Where are they and what is their official position? #InGodWeTrust
Fisher of Men Ministries has taken an official stand that vaccines are tools of Satan that defile the holy temple and are forbidden in our ministry!!
Vaccines are a form of technological sorcery and the "science" is seduced by Satan and the doctrines of the Devil's.
They contain aborted fetal tissue, the lungs that would have held the breath of God. WI 38 and MRC5 are the female and male immortilized cancer cell lines from aborted human fetuses from the 1960's.
They also contain corrupted DNA, blood and organs from other humans and animals that are harvested through abortion. This corrupted DNA inserts, deletes and translocates sectons of your DNA. Vaccines contain poisonous metals and chemicals that cause cancer, autoimmune disease and autism.
'A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.' - Galatians 5:9.
There is no being lukewarm on this issue, you can't be pro God and pro vaccine.
'So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.' - Revelation 3:16

Intelligent design is the real story that "science" does not want you to know.
'Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.' - Colossians 2:8
Food is medicine and the foundation of health and healing begins with truth according to the word of God.
The nations have been led astray through hollow philosophies of men that seduce you with "science" and "evidence" based on nothing that matters in regards to your health and well being.
We must remember that we are living in a highly corrupt, government controlled system that has enslaved people and corrupted their minds to believe a delusion.
One of the greatest deceptions of all times is that vaccines were designed to save everyone from dying of infectious diseases that our immune system was not capable of handling. God is the creator of all living things on this earth. Humans and animals are the living breathing proof of intelligent design.
Why do people idolize "science" and "scientists"?
There is only one Creator and Designer of Life. Nothing is new under the sun. "Artificial intelligence" uses "scientific" methods and principles that seduce you with crafty language created by crafty men. The enemy wants to defile your temple with technological sorcery that kills, steals, and destroys all living things. Your blood and DNA is sacred because it has a divine code and sequence of order. Any man who attempts to rewrite and corrupt what is holy is an abomination. Our body is the temple that houses the Holy Spirit and is not to be mocked and made a counterfeit.
God is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, who carries all authority over the universe.
There is a war between good and evil and everyone plays a role in this primitive society of politics, propaganda and the "evidence based health care system" that keeps everyone sick by design. Intelligent design is the real story.
15 minutes a day healed my Aunt's mouth sore
These Are The Signs That You Have A Demon
50,000 Exorcisms - The Life and Lessons of the World's Top Exorcist
Vaccine induced spongiform encephalopathy from fetal bovine serum and the medical misdiagnosis of autism by Dr. Kenneth Stoller, MD
Undeniable proof that "Chemtrails" are NOT a conspiracy theory
Meet Brian Moonan Christian video producer and owner of Christian clothing line KJV Prepper .com
America's Occult Holidays
Holidays From Hell
America to Babylon part 1
Spiritual warfare casting out devils
Vaccinated blood under the microscope
666 - The Number of the Beast in Monoclonal Antibody
Dr. Tenpenny - Satan Wants Your Temple
Doctrines of the Devil's and Devil Science
Setting the Pharma Captives Free
I suspected all along that the vaccines were responsible for causing my pet's severe autoimmune disease as well as chronic allergies and skin infections that ultimately destroyed her life. Families all around the world are being led astray with conventional pet care and just like humans, vaccine injury is one of the leading causes of pet illness.
Save yourself time, money and grief by unsubscribing to the western approach of toxic drugs and endless vaccines.