Vaccines cause autism, autoimmune disease, and cancer. by Dr. Kenneth Stoller, MD

Hello to my dear brothers and sisters around the world!




Laughter is the best medicine and this joy should

be shared with as many people as possible. As a  teacher and defender of truth and righteousness  vaccine educator  teacher  of the teachers  leader in the   a world full of so much deception and 

Dr. Stoller and myself were planning to  use a hilarious and entertaining puppet show where I interview Doc as he goes into character and uses a puppet  to  explain  the story to children  about the  dangers of fluoride and  how vaccines destroy the brain and cause sickness. 

Teaching the children how to SAY NO TO SATAN’S VACCINE SORCERY. Our hope is in this next  generation of child demon slayers who will be equipped to  recognize and understand the devil has told a lie that is so big and evil that people in every part of the world  has been  tricked and deceived into drinking and injecting a poisonous biologics drug that is killing people through  a magic spell of pharmakeia. “Vaccine science” is falsely so called and the word of God warns us specifically about this opposing force of deception In the end people will give into seducing spirits and doctrines of devils 

All vaccines are weapons designed by  Satan and oppose 

and most evil  lies


and how the devil told the biggest most powerful lie that 

about   the   enemy  believe the biggest lie ever told by Satan

The plan for Dr. Stoller to use   a  puppet confessions lost video 

I cant exactly remember how the topic of puppets came about but many years ago when I had first discovered Dr. Stoller on Linkedin before they cancelled me for exposing 

discovered that doc had 

Dr. Stoller and I had planned to have a puppet confessions show where Doctor Stoller tells the children