Shocking EWG Report on What’s in Your Drinking Water

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Toxic drinking water is a global problem and one of the reasons I fled my hometown of Clearwater Florida. There are 3 million people living in the Tampa Bay area and the water is partly sourced partly from desalination. That means all the sewage dumped by cruise ships in the ocean contains pharma and radioactive chemo drugs from human urine and feces. Radium is a radioactive isotope that will bind to the receptor sites in the thyroid as well as bromide and fluoride.

Everyone knows that mixing bleach and ammonia cause a toxic gas reaction. Chloramine is added to the Pinellas county drinking water and when these chemicals react with other particles in the water during treatment it creates trihalomethanes which are cancer causing agents from water treatment and the levels are off the charts and NOT SAFE OR HEALTHY TO DRINK.

A toxic water report from Clearwater Florida. Type your zip code in the environmental working group bottom link to see what your results are: –