Dr. Kenneth Stoller, MD has been leading the way in the vaccine truth movement exposing the deadly lies and diseases caused by vaccines that still continue to destroy the lives of so many people today. He is an expert in hyperbaric medicine that uses oxygen pressure chambers to heal and reverse many chronic illnesses.
Dr. Stoller is an authority on treating people with lyme disease, vaccine induced encephalopathy, autism, addiction, and pain. Dr. Stoller has been a strong advocate of patients right to refuse forced vaccination and wrote many vaccine exemptions for people who have been previously injured by vaccines. Dr. Stoller, MD is the author of the book incurable sold on amazon which dives deep into the corruption of the medical industrial complex and the origins of diseases that afflict so many.
This is an emergency message about why you should not vaccinate your yourself or your children with blood vaccines that are classified as biologics.
Over the last 7 years I have reviewed complex health cases and helped people around the world reverse diseases naturally at home. Many of my clients have vaccine induced health conditions like autism, autoimmune diseases like hashimoto thyroid antibodies, seizures, food allergies, chrons, dysautonomia, lyme disease, meningitis, POTS syndrome, epstein barr virus, mold, cancer, and many other idiopathic conditions and misdiagnosis which can be linked to vaccines. There is no such thing as an “idiopathic disease” because all diseases have a root cause.
Many people have found me because of my very first video titled cancer laced vaccines where I reviewed the Vaccinegate: MRC-5 contained in Priorix Tetra – Complete genome sequencing by Corvelva vaccine research institute from Italy. This report confirmed what I had suspected about vaccines laced with cancer from the aborted fetal cell line MRC-5. These corrupted genes have insertions, deletions, and translocations that cause cancerous tumors and autoimmune disease. This is like downloading a computer virus into your human operating system that was not created by God.
We have an entire generation of kids and young adults who are non verbal and diagnosed with the medical misnomer of “autism” which according to Dr. Kenneth Stoller, MD is a “meaningless word” and I completely agree! I have reviewed some of the most sophisticated blood tests conducted on people from some of the top laboratories and the common link is always infectious diseases. Lyme disease, polio, epstein barr, mold infections from genetically modified yeast, borrelia, bartonella and cancer cells from SV40 virus, aborted fetal cell lines like MRC-5, WI-38, human embryonic kidney (HEK-293) that are known ingredients in vaccines.
My brother Tony who is now twenty three years old and non verbal was severely injured by the MMR vaccine and was diagnosed with “autism.” Years later my brother went paralyzed from the waist down from an influenza vaccine and he was diagnosed with “gullian baree syndrome”, another meaningless and obscure medical term that tries to divert attention from vaccine induced neurotoxicity and so called idiopathic illness.
When conducting a health assessment on any person, a prudent practitioner should always ask what vaccines a person has taken prior to any diagnosis. There is a strong correlation between vaccine induced dis-ease. A medical diagnosis or misdiagnosis can come months or years after receiving any vaccine because they are known to cause cancer, autoimmune disease, and autism.
Many vaccines are produced by first by taking fetal bovine serum FBS or now fetal calf serum that is harvested from fetal cows still inside the mothers womb. A giant needle is stabbed directly into the beating heart of the fetal cow and the blood is suctioned out killing the fetal calf. This blood is known to contain bovine spongiform encephalopathies (BSE) that can cause mad cow prion disease in the brain. Many vaccine inserts and the FDA specifically acknowledge the presence of BSE and the risk of disease transmission. This blood broth is used to ferment cloned yeast which is toxic mold with cancerous aborted fetal cells that are genetically manipulated to express molds and viruses on their surface. The process of electrophoresis uses an electromagnetic current to bind toxic metals like aluminum and filaments to these cells causing plaque forming units that accumulate in the brain that can cause dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

See link below for detailed vaccines containing aborted fetal cell lines.
Common vaccines ingredients that cause disease:
Fetal bovine or calf serum which is diseased cow blood
Aborted human embryonic kidney cells HEK-293
MRC-5 which is the mutated lung tissue from a male aborted fetus from the 1960’s
Genetically modified Chinese hampster ovary cells CHO
Recombinant human albumin which is blood protein that is recombined with animal blood protein
SV40 virus from monkey kidney cells
Guinea pig cells
Baby hampster kidney cells BK
The MMRV contains fetal calf serum and recombinant human albumin which combines human blood protein with mutated animal blood. These blood products are known to transmit infectious disease. When the flesh and blood from other humans and animals is injected into the blood stream this can create autoimmune disease and the body will now make antibodies against itself and become confused.
Below is text taken from the patent of Varicella zoster virus vaccine.
Example 14: Variant gE Antigen Distribution in Vero and Mewo Cells
“Vero cells are lineages of cells used in cell cultures. The ‘Vero’ lineage was isolated from kidney epithelial cells extracted from an African green monkey. MeWo cells are human malignant melanoma cells that are susceptible to VZV infection.”
If you are still putting your faith in vaccines then you have been deceived and I would strongly encourage you to follow the work of Dr. Judy Mikovitz, Ph.D featured in the doctors in black documentary. Dr. Mikovits has proven that “murine” which means from rodent retroviruses are found in blood samples of most patients with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome. The proof is in the vaccine ingredients as Chinese hampster ovary cells “CHO” are contained in many vaccines like shingles vaccines as well as Guinea pig cells contained in the varivax, varicella chicken pox vaccine.
If only doctors would simply look at a drop of blood and vaccines under the microscope they would realize that the lie of “disease prevention” is actually vaccine induced infection causing most of the diseases known to man. 
See vaccine ingredients below in the excipient table because the FDA link will likely be altered or disappear.

excipient-table-2 (3)
Look what we found in the MMR priorix tetra vaccine by Glaxo Smith Kline! A fascinating study published by the Corvelva institute of vaccine research from Italy found in this particular MMR vaccine contained:
parasites which are classified as “Helminth” and nematodes
equine infectious anemia virus which is from horse
Avian leukosis virus from bird
Herpes virus
Human retro virus K
80% human fetal DNA from MRC5 which is a mutated cancer cell line

Early in my nursing career I began exposing cancer laced vaccines and Dr. Stoller helped me to understand the connection between vaccines and retroviral infections in humans.
Dr. Stoller was attacked by the medical board in state of California for writing vaccine exemptions to protect citizens from forced vaccination through government medical tyranny. This proves that the California medical board is under full satanic control issuing doctors a license to kill promoting “death by medicine” by way of cancer laced vaccine biological weapons fraudulently sold under the dark cloak of “disease prevention” which in reality is dis-ease induced by vaccine injection.
Brothers and sisters we must remember this, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12 KJV
God has ordained healing and cure for his people and we will continue to heal the sick by revealing to them the abundance of peace and truth according to the word of God. #INGODWETRUST
Dr. Stoller and myself were planning to use a hilarious puppet show where I interview Doc as he goes into character and uses a puppet to explain the dangers of fluoride and vaccines that can cause autism and brain damage. This project was canceled due to Doc being attacked by the California board of medicine.
Teaching the children how to SAY NO TO SATAN’S VACCINE SORCERY. Our hope is in this next generation of children who will be equipped to recognize and understand the devil has told a lie that is so big and evil that people in every part of the world has been tricked and deceived into drinking and injecting poisonous biologic drugs that are killing people through a magic spell of pharmakeia. “Vaccine science” is falsely so called and the word of God warns us specifically about this opposing force of deception in the end people will give into seducing spirits and doctrines of devils.
O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen. 1 Timothy 6:20 KVJ
If you or a loved one has any dis-ease and desires to heal naturally or detox from vaccines please contact me on my website.
Conatct Dr. Stoller, MD